Sunday, November 22, 2015

Google Driverless Car Gets Pulled Over In Mountain View For Driving 25mhp In A 35mph Zone

It’s a sunny cool 53 degrees on Friday morning here in San Jose. As I’m sitting here to the morning news, I hear that the Google driver less car gets pulled over for driving to slow in Mountain View, California. It was going 25mph in a 35mph zone delaying traffic. Say it’s not so because Silicon Valley drivers are so impatient. You don’t see police officers stopping people for driving to slow, especially here. My first thought was who getting the ticket? If there is no one driving the car? No ticket was given. 


Saturday, November 21, 2015

Debris From Overpass Falls Onto I-880 in Oakland, Sparks Multi-Vehicle Crash

I’m a native Californian, I love living here and the weather despite the drought great. That can’t be said about the decaying highways and the streets though. On Monday October 19, 2015 around 6:30 p.m. on highway 880 at 23rd avenue in Oakland during the already horrific commute, 100 feet of fence came crashing down across the highway causing a shut down in both directions. This incident caused 8 cars to crash sending two people the hospital with minor injuries. I couldn’t even image driving home after an along days work  and all of a sudden you see a fence coming down in front of you, when you’re going over 40 miles per hour. It is a blessing no one was killed.

Not only are highways bad, the streets in the cities are bad as well. There are pot holes and sinkholes popping up. In Union City California on October 13, 2015 a sinkhole appeared at the corner of Alvarado Boulevard and New Haven St. This sinkhole in a matter of hours had gone from 6 feet by 6 feet to 25 by 25. Crews from Alameda County Water District went down 10 feet in order to repair a 16 inch water main that was ruptured as the sinkhole grew.

California is supposed to be the 9th richest state according to Forbes 2014 list. If that is the case, how come we have such terrible highways and streets? Is it because budgeting for transportation, roads and bridges including utilities would never get first priority. The infrastructure in California needs to be fixed. It is old and decaying. If it’s not fixed we will continue to have incidents like this and people will die.